On Saturday, September 21, Minnesota Contemplative Outreach will host its Second Annual Gathering at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Apple Valley.
This blog post is part of a series highlighting the four key purposes of the event:
- Celebrate and enjoy each other's company
- Listen to the needs of chapter participants
- Invite and enlist new volunteers, focusing on gifts and discernment
- Inspire hope in the process of transformation
As contemplatives, we deeply value the practice of listening. Each day, we spend twenty minutes twice a day in silence with God, consenting to God’s presence and action within us. This simple act of listening, free from expectations, allows us to understand what it means to be beloved children of God. To honor this commitment, our gathering will include two Centering Prayer sessions.
Our contemplative practice doesn’t end with prayer; it extends into our daily lives and interactions. We strive to listen with open minds and hearts, truly hearing the needs, joys, and sorrows of those we encounter. At our annual gathering, we will have extended conversations in both small and large groups, discussing how our Centering Prayer groups are serving the needs and dreams of their participants.
Our chapter hosts over 35 groups, each with unique formats and schedules, ranging from daily or weekly Zoom meetings to in-person gatherings in churches or homes. Some groups meet for a single twenty-minute session, while others include faith sharing, Lectio Divina, or book discussions. All are united in the goal of embracing transformation in Christ through Centering Prayer.
The Leadership Team hopes these conversations will not only support personal transformation but also strengthen our Centering Prayer groups. All group facilitators, or a representative, are strongly encouraged to attend and share insights on their group's progress and needs. Together we can discover and plan future events and materials to strengthen our Centering Prayer groups
You can register for the Annual Gathering here