by Diane Boruff
It is of course with greater clarity that I look at my journey past than to what lies ahead. As did those who preceded us, Carol and I endeavored to maintain and promote the teaching and practice of Centering Prayer. As we planned, we prayed to remain open to the work of the Spirit. When the guidelines for preparing presenters of centering prayer changed, we were able to adjust the use of grant funds and have more new presenters. Much more was accomplished than we had even imagined! So as we vision and plan for the future it is good to remember the Spirit is leading and doing the work in the hearts of all of us.
TODAY - being present to the NOW of Today - is one of the teachings that I apparently need to learn and relearn. For me becoming a servant leader was a step by step daily practice. The path unfolded led by the Spirit from practicing centering prayer, to presenting centering prayer, to working to implement enrichment days, retreats and leader training. My journey has been one of prayer, listening, being nudged and doing each day that which I could do to live my life rooted in God. My aim is to step into the world each day trusting in the boundless love of God and attempting to welcome all people with "utmost charity and love." Of course, this is easier said than done, so it is the returning each day to the practice of centering prayer — returning "ever so gently" — that helps me be open to the loving prompting of the Spirit. I am so thankful for all of you who by your prayer practice support not only me but all you meet.