- Sit comfortably with feet grounded on the floor — or, stand up!
- Expand arms out to the sides with every inhale.
- With every exhale, place hands to a different energy center and say the associated gratitude phrase:
- Hands on thighs: “I am rooted in gratitude.“
- Hands just below the navel: “I am balanced in gratitude.”
- Hands to solar plexus: “I am empowered in gratitude.”
- Hands to heart: “I feel gratitude.”
- Hands to throat: “I speak gratitude.”
- Hands to eyebrows: “I see gratitude.”
- Hands to top of head: “I am gratitude.”
Grateful Heart
This is an effort to integrate “bottom-up” physical preparation with the “top-down” approach of Centering Prayer. “Grateful Heart” is a method to invoke a relaxation response, designed to counter the effects of our day-to-day stress responses to life.
- Sit with toes curled down, feet rooted to the ground.
- Rest your hands on your lap, opening your hands wide with palms up to symbolize receiving.
- Sit up tall with a straight, lengthened spine.
- Drop shoulders from ears by pulling elbows and shoulder blades towards the floor.
- Pull your ears back, chin down, and place your tongue on the roof of your mouth to avoid clenching.
- Close your eyes, and gaze to the right or left.
- Take 10 deep breaths as you visualize and focus on something for which you are grateful.